Mini Dessert Individual Containers | Individual Mousse Or Cake-In-Jar Dome Holders ( Size 110ml | 3.88 Oz)
GalvanotekMini round container with Dome for:
- ??Sobremesas | Porções individuais |Mini Doce Redondo
- ??Postres | Porciones Individuales | Redondo con Tapa Bisagra
- ??Desserts | Individual Servings | For One Mini Muffin, Hinged Round Container
Sold in packs of 10. You will receive:
- 10 Dome Lids
- 10 Containers
Capacidade: 110 ml
Capacity: 3.88 Oz
Code: G 670
Manufactured by: Galvanotek
- PET - Poli (Tereftalato de Etileno)
- PET - Poli (Ethylene Terephthalate)
Provides an excellent barrier against gases and odors. Used in the manufacture of bottles, food packaging, trays, pots, etc. Transparent and water- proof material.
Responsibility with the Environment
Thinking about the nature and environment preservation, GALVANOTEK participates of the project “Green Energy in Environmental Harmony” that aims to neutralize the emissions of the greenhouse gases, the main cause of global warming, receiving the seal “Carbon Neutral”.
Besides that, all leftover of raw material is reused in the manufacturing of the products. The seal EcoGalvanotek indicates that the packagings produced by Galvanotek present a percentage of recycled material in their formulation, through a process homologated by Anvisa.
Keep plastic wrapping out from children’s reach.
Here are some helpful tutorials on using this container with your creations for you, your family, or even to sell.
Brazilians, like British people, usually like to have a late afternoon coffee or tea and with it individual portions of desserts. We have places like bakeries called "confeitaria," which is similar to a "confiserie," patisserie," or English tea houses.
We go to indulge ourselves with a piece of cake or dessert with some beverage. Like you have Starbucks here, in Brazil, we have those mama's and papa's bakeries right around the corner to sit with friends and have a good time.
One of our favorite desserts is Pavê. Pavê is a Brazilian dessert consisting of alternating layers of biscuits (ladyfingers or corn starch biscuits) and a cream using condensed milk. It's similar in structure to the tiramisu. Check below some recipes.
1. Pavê in a jar to Sell: 3 Delicious Flavors! by Rafa Cabral - Confeitaria Descomplicada
- 21 receitas de bolo de pote para vender ou se deliciar em casa por Ana Beatriz Cardo
- Pra Vender Rápido! Mousse Trufado De Maracujá by Doce, sal e etc Receitas caseiras (Our Galvanotek container in action)
- Tiramisu Trifle in Mason Jars By BY SARA MANIEZ
- How to Make Strawberry Cheesecake | No-Bake Cheesecake | Jar Cheesecake by Chef Sheilla
- TIRAMISU JAR CAKE | Tiramisu in a Cup | Eggless Tiramisu Recipe | Jar Cake | by Best Bites
- Chocolate Cakes in a Jar by Cyna
In Milimmiters
Internal Diameter - Ø 59x65mm
External Diameter - Ø 79x70mm
In inches
Internal Diameter - Ø 2.32”x 2.55”
External Diameter - Ø3.11”x 2.75”